What is the difference of Omni Wheels n Mecanum Wheels?
Let's see what the internet is telling us "Omni wheels are cheaper, and allow for truly omni-directional motion. The programming is really not that difficult. My team built a holonomic drive train this year and it was one of the best decisions we've ever made." Quoted from the following technical discussion
Yeah, Omni wheels are cheaper but what's further to drive? "Assuming that you are using off the shelf components a Mecanum drive is easier to make. Omni-Drives require precise angles (60° for a Kiwi and 90° for a Holonomic) and if you are not near perfect your robot will have some strange driving characteristics. Also it is much easier to climb ramps with Mecanums. To my understanding Mecanums are also more efficient in forward and reverse directions (like a normal wheel) while still giving you lateral mobility. Omni-Drives have a much lower efficiency (~50%) in all directions but they will give you true omnidirectional motion. Also Omni-Drives require much more skill to drive than a Mecanum Drive.

Chinese talks on how to control Omni Wheels mobile robot
In the Asia-Pacific Robot domestic trials, major colleges and universities are making robots omnidirectional wheel robot, based on full use of wheel to locate the most is the code wheel positioning. But there is an error code wheel walking, adapted to move a short distance. For long-distance travel, the error is relatively large. Therefore, the article provides a new kind of targeting methods that code wheel - gyro - Trinity laser radar positioning method. Code wheel robot to calculate the distance traveled, the gyroscope given the current robot posture angle, laser radar used to assist in positioning.